International Women’s Day

We are gathering on International Women’s Day to honour the historical struggles of women worldwide in achieving equality and liberty. Also, we want to appreciate and echo the “Women, Life, Freedom” revolution as a feminist revolution and a symbol of the courageous Iranian women and men who fought and continue fighting against the gender apartheid regime of Iran.

Please join us at the University of Alberta Telus Centre Room 150 ( on March 8th, 18:00-20:00.

Keynote speakers:
Neda Asadi
Samira Torabi

Live performance:
Afarin Nazarijoo
Nagme Yarkin

Refreshments and snacks are included.

Edmonton City Proclamation

As another step towards assisting the Iranian people’s revolution and ongoing effort on demanding justice and liberty, the IHSE is proud to announce that Mayor Amarjeet Sohi has named the month of March “Woman Life Freedom” in honour of courageous Iranian women. We greatly appreciate the support from the municipality of the Capital of Alberta.

Long live the names and memories of those murdered or executed for pleading for liberty and equality. Long live the women and all those fighting for human rights against the Islamic Republic Regime in Iran.

Iranian Heritage Society of Edmonton



Anniversary of The Downing of Flight PS752

Justice prevails.

On the 3rd anniversary of the downing of Flight PS752 and in support of the Iranian Revolution, join the memorial service and vigil on January 8 at the University of Alberta.

Iranian Heritage Society of Edmonton and the Iranian Student Association of the University of Alberta, in collaboration with the PS752Justice association in Canada, invite everyone to attend the third memorial of downing flight PS752 and honour all lives lost by the brutal theocratic regime in Iran. The event consists of speeches and performances (indoor) and a vigil at the memorial site (outside).

CCIS North Lecture Theatres (

3:00 pm

More information:

#PS752 #ps752justice #مهسا_امینی